Fees and Payment


The Energetic Soul Reading session fee is US $190.00

Payment Information

In order to indicate your willingness for me to access information on your behalf, please send the information requested below and your payment prior to your session.

Payment can be made:
a) via PayPal.com* using my email address:   YourSoulsWisdom(at)gmail.com    
b) via Zelle* using YourSoulsWisdom(at)gmail.com

Please send the following information by email:

        • Your Current Legal Name:
        • Date of Birth:
        • Mailing Address:
        • Telephone Number: (where I can contact you if there are any last minute changes, and the number you will be using for the session; Is this a cell phone that can receive a text?)
        • Your time zone:
        • Preferred E-mail Address:
        • How did you hear about me?
        • If someone referred you, may I thank them for the referral?

Please review the information on the What to Expect and How to Prepare pages of this website under the Sessions tab to maximize the benefit of your Energetic Soul Reading session.

Thank you for your interest in Your Soul’s Wisdom.  I am looking forward to facilitating “Illumination, Solutions, Joy!” from the universal wisdom in service to your learning, healing, and growth.

*If you are not familiar with PayPal, you can easily set up an account at www.paypal.com which will allow you to pay by credit card, direct debit to your bank account, or use your PayPal balance.  Zelle can be set up through your bank’s mobile app to send your payment from your bank to mine.  If your bank doesn’t use Zelle, there is a Zelle app for Android and iOS.  More information on ZellePay.com.